Here is a Quick Way to Compare Driveway Surfaces

There are many pros and cons to driveway surfaces and the following is a few ideas that you may not have considered. How long  a surface will last depend on the materials used and how they are properly installed. Drainage can also be an issue that we consider when consulting with our clients on the best surface. We have listed here the various surfaces we work with and a price comparison for you to study.

Driveway Drainage

When repairing or installing a driveway, we are aware of the drainage that can erode your driveway if it isn’t addressed in the beginning of an installation. We look at the grade and make recommendations for improvements so that the investment isn’t compromised by improper drainage.

Paver Driveways:

Permeable block pavers are a good choice for a patterned driveway and gives various aesthetic looks from which to choose.  This type of surfacing allows storm water drainage naturally. Colors, styles and numerous natural stone edges can be custom designed to fit with the style of your home and create a welcome entrance.

Concrete Driveways:

Does your concrete driveway have cracks and broken areas? Are unsightly weeds growing through the cracks creating more noticeable damage? We can repair with concrete, pressure wash and seal your concrete driveway to further preserve the integrity of the driveway. Don’t delay in getting these repairs done now before bigger issues happen and break your driveway down.

Asphalt Driveways:

On occasion, your asphalt driveway may need sealed or patched in places. We overlay, remove and replace asphalt with our excavation machinery and can prepare a new base for installing a solid, long preserved driveway. With regularly scheduled maintenance, your asphalt driveway can last 20-30 years.

Gravel Driveways:

Designing and installing a gravel driveway takes as much ingenuity as installing a concrete drive. Considering the soil under the layers of surface and making sure it is well drained and graded correctly is imperative to keeping your investment above the surface.