Give Us a Day and We Will Eliminate All Your Drainage Headaches

Drainage systems are one of our most sought-after services. Holding a certification as a Storm water BMP Inspector from NCSU and serving Western North Carolina for sixteen years, we have seen various poor drainage situations resulting in wet and leaky basements and foundations. We provide results to meet and exceed our client’s expectations.

Erosion Control
Water has become a major issue around homes and on slopes causing undermining to structures, and drowning expensive plant material. This further causes erosion, landslides and puddling in yards creating “lakeside” property that’s undesirable. Heavy rainfall, in a few, hours can overwhelm a poorly graded site with clay soils. Simple tests will see how your land is draining and we can make recommendations to accommodate your requirements with guaranteed results. Proper excavation and grading by knowing the depth and width in which to control water flow is our forte. We work to improve landscape drainage on steep hills and away from our client’s basements and foundations making us one of the best resources for drainage solutions. Call us today for a solution to your drainage problems.

Services include:

  • Downspout Drainage
  • Grading
  • Dry Creek Bed Installations
  • French Drains
  • Culvert Installations


  • Storm water Runoff
  • Erosion
  • Wet Basements
  • Drowning Plant Material

Drainage problems and solutions we tackle:

Downspouts can be a common problem around a home’s foundation creating seep into your basement, crawl space or eroding the foundation. Extending downspouts away from the home properly can alleviate rain and storm water runoff, melting snow off the roof and keep your home and basement dry and preserved. We extend these downspouts to drain properly by adding drain basins, driveway drains, gutter drains, and French drains.

Grading done properly around the foundation of your house will mean the difference between wet and dry basements. If you have an established yard, we can take measures to do the least amount of demolition for the maximum amount of efficiency.  Proper grading will eliminate wet accumulation in your basement. Often, we have found drainage from a neighbor’s yard inadvertently directed onto adjacent property causes drainage issues. Installing an underground drainage structure such as a French drain or rain garden can divert water to proper locations keeping your basement and foundation dry!

Moisture in basements is usually due to improper grading. Water, by default, flows from the highest point to the lowest point.  If the water is flowing toward your foundation, then we regrade and install underground drainage systems such as French drains, drain basins, gutter drains, driveway drains and sump pumps. These drains will redirect the flow away from your home and foundation leaving you with dry feet!

French drains are dug trenches to a gradient to elevate surface and groundwater.  We use perforated socked piping on a base of ¾ inch crushed gravel covered with landscape fabric to prevent silt and soil from entering the drain. More gravel and soil will be placed on the surface. Often French drains are used to relieve hydrostatic pressure behind a retaining wall or as a hidden way to channel water away from a foundation, structure, driveway or garden due to ponding or flooding.

Rip Rap lined swale drains can be chosen and used when the storm water flow is heavy and needed to prevent erosion. Riprap is larger stones and is advantageous to use on steeply graded slopes where seepage is a problem.  Prolonged concentration runoff or where vegetation is unsuitable are other areas for use.

Dry creek beds are often used to divert water flow away from a foundation but also coincide as a design element in the landscape. Carefully crafting the stones with larger boulders and plant material gives a natural look from a viewer’s perspective.

Culvert Installations may be needed to protect a stream and provide a safe passage for cattle, wildlife or vehicles by adding an earth bridge. Culvert installations prevent damage to roadways and can move water during peak flow. Or culverts can be used to equalize ponds or marshy areas on your property.